Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's been a long time since I have updated my blog. It started as a classroom assignment and I do hope I can keep it up. This is my first full year teaching and I am blessed to be in a 3rd grade classroom. I will be sharing what I do that I like, don't like, what works, and what doesn't work. Please stay posted.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Me and the kids: This is what I do

With my students. Top 2 pictures- teaching the proper position using mega-sized marshmallows. Bottom picture- At their first concert with me as their teacher.

Yet another post for my 4015 class (I had to upload pictures from Picasa)

Welcome to My Life: Video for 4015

Here is a short video of me and the things I enjoy the most. It was made and posted on my blog for a class I am taking. The link takes you to the video site where it can be viewed.

Hopefully the song will work- the beginning and end are a bit jumpy but the middle should be fine.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New ideas

Updated today! I just added a bunch more fun ideas and activities for the classroom. Have fun checking them out.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Do they work for you

I have been wondering how these ideas are working for those who have tried them. If you have experiences or suggestions you would like to share, I would love to hear them.

Monday, February 13, 2012


All the ideas on my blog have the site/link they came from listed with them. With all the ideas out there, there is no way I can fit them all here. These are open domain sites or blogs and include some amazing ideas for your classroom. Happy looking!

We all love Pinterest and the ideas we can get off of it. I have a board titled "Classroom Stuffs" where all of the ideas on my blog are listed as well as a few more fun ideas for your students. The link is below; feel free to drop onto it and check it out.

First Run

On my blog you will find fun activities to do with your students. It is fun for all elementary school grades.